Andrew Carnegie once said that “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
This quote is reflected in many of our Merit team members nationwide, but it holds especially true for Sandra Selaya and Marcos Hernandez, two of our premiere associates in Lebec, CA. From the time we began services at a local distribution center there several years ago, Sandra and Marcos have stepped up to become true leaders at this location. They not only help train new associates and embrace overtime and extra shifts when volume dictates, but they serve as a daily inspiration to other team members to help keep them motivated to reach personal and team incentives.
This kind of leadership and dedication is what separates Merit from ordinary logistics service providers. It’s also what makes Sandra and Marcos such special employees and such priceless members of the Merit team. In Lebec, they truly are the fuel that fires our team up to achieve uncommon results.