We would like to recognize our team in Delaware, OH for their stellar performance.
Over the past six weeks this freight handling team has increased their Cases Per Hour (CPH) by 8% and Pallets Per Hour (PPH) by 9%. As a result of the holiday, for the past two weeks this crew has also faced an increase in unloading volume of 10%. During these two weeks alone (5/16/21-5/29/21), they unloaded over 2,384,362 cases, averaging more than 6,500 cases per hour, or the equivalent of 45,231pallets, averaging over 125 pallets per hour. Because of their hard work and high performance, the freight throughput requirements for our client were easily met and overtime hours were also kept in check.
Great work. Kudos to our freight handling crew in Delaware!
Merit Logistics Freight Unloading & Warehouse Services
Merit Logistics is a leading provider of freight unloading and warehouse services for many of the nation’s largest retailers and grocery chains. We realize that freight handling and unloading services are the starting point for operational excellence. At Merit Logistics we strive to provide reliable, responsive warehouse services that are focused on achieving our clients’ specific KPIs.
Our expert freight unloading teams consistently improve efficiency, maximize throughput, and increase KPI performance for the distribution centers we service. We achieve this by identifying and training the most qualified on-site managers, through workflow optimization, and by hiring, training, and retaining warehouse associates who become experts in our clients’ specific freight unloading and handling requirements.